My poems, essays, and short stories in English have appeared or are forthcoming in more than 60 literary journals, including Ars Interpres (Stockholm, Sweden), Blue Mesa, Cadillac Cicatrix, Carquinez Poetry Review, Cimarron Review, Confrontation, Denver Quarterly, Epicenter, Euphony, Fortnight (N. Ireland, UK), Hawaii Review, Hiram Poetry Review, Hotel Amerika, Hunger Mountain, The Hurricane Review, Landfall (New Zealand), Left Curve, New Orleans Review, New Zoo Poetry Review, Nimrod International Journal, Notre Dame Review, Permafrost, Phantasmagoria, Poet Lore, Poetry International, Post Road, Puerto del Sol, Reed Magazine, Richmond Review (London), The South Carolina Review, The Spoon River Poetry Review, Wisconsin Review, The Writer’s Chronicle, and others.
My work has also been anthologized in Modern Poetry in Translation (UK), Crossing Centuries (New Generation in Russian Poetry), The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place, in Stranger at Home: American Poetry with an Accent and in Killer Verse: Poems of Murder and Mayhem.
The works were translated into several European Languages.
I edit the international poetry magazine Interpoezia and run the Intercultural Poetry Series in New York. Please read more about me on my Russian site.